Arts Ed Newark was founded on the principles of collective advocacy and empowerment. As such, our Evaluation work over the years has helped develop a mindset of “lifting all boats” for the greater sake of access. Since 2015, our evaluation learning community has helped more than 20 partners build capacity in order to develop a common language around evaluation and meet an important tenet of collective impact as a community serving a common mission. We set out to share the collective Newark arts education story, increase organizational evaluation capacity, demonstrate impact, and inform individual work. With support and leadership from our evaluation committee and researcher, Dr. Deborah E. Ward, the following partners have helped to create our community tools, develop best practices, and build skills in data analysis:
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater*
Arts Horizons
Arts for Kids
Butterfly Dreamz
Educational Arts Team
Express Newark
Institute of Music for Children
Jazz House Kids
Keys 2 Success
Montclair Art Museum
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
New Jersey Symphony
Newark Board of Education
Newark Museum of Art
Newark School of the Arts
Newark Symphony Hall
Save The Music Foundation
Wharton Arts
Yendor Productions
Young Audiences NJ & Eastern PA
Beginning in 2016, we developed an evaluation committee, identified our partners’ unifying questions and common goals, hosted workshops and brainstorming sessions to build evaluation capacity, developed common tools to measure impact and connected data with partners’ stories. We began virtual Help Desks but changed them to Evaluation Conversations sessions open to all partners. This is all while we facilitated an iterative process – with new areas of learning added as requested.
Workshop topics include some of the following:
Creating Logic Models
Survey Creation
Survey Analysis 101 & 102
Focus Groups
Early Childhood Evaluation Part I & II
Telling Your Story
Over 20 Arts Ed Newark partner organizations have collected evaluation data through common tools to measure the impact of their programming on students, teachers and families in our community. We have collected and analyzed data from over 30,000 surveys completed by students in our community over the last 8 years. We now hold a deeper understanding as individual organizations and as a collective of the impact our arts programming has on youth. Our partners have more organizational and staff capacity to complete evaluation work. Collectively, we have taken something that is really complex and often overwhelming and made it accessible and transparent for our community of partners.
The impact of COVID-19 has created a new learning curve, and we are continuing to build by focusing on Equity in Evaluation, where community members are once again, partners in designing the evaluation plan and in the collection of evaluation data. We are working on expanding training topics and opportunities, connecting evaluation data with programmatic data to tell a more robust story and refreshing our commitment to this work post-pandemic and establishing a database to house our collective work.

“The value this program has had in my life is unmeasurable. I met new friends and like minded peers. I gain the confidence to properly advocate for my child. I learned how to find and read a school budget, what questions to ask and who to ask them to when trying to resolve a problem that pertains to my child's education. I also was able to create a project for a cause I believe in with my peers that could really help my community.” --parent ambassador
“This program has shown me what it is to be able to speak out and be able to sit in a room full of other educated people and feel empowered.” --"parent ambassador"

“I do have a voice and can make a significant difference in advocating for my child and other students.” --parent ambassador
Class of 2023

Kaleena Berryman (2023 & 2024)
A2 Lead Program Facilitator
Parent Advocate
Rooted Social Justice Organizer, Educator, Consultant
Executive Director, Newark Youth Career Pathways

Richard Marshall (2023 & 2024)
A2 Mentor
Director of Program Operations, Marketing & Community Outreach, Newark School of the Arts
AEN Leadership Council Secretary
Breaking For Gold USA Dance Council

Monifa Kincaid (2024)
A2 Mentor
Program Director for the Youth Arts Ed Council and Community Engagement Activator
Founder of Newark Dances

Alicia Pinnix Robinson (2023)
A2 Mentor
Founder and Director of Artfikaa
Retired Newark Public Schools Arts Educator
Member of The National Art Educators Association

Tyneisha Gibbs (2023)
A2 Mentor
Director of Policy and Youth Advocacy;
Non-Profit Professional of Color Collective Co-Founder & Executive Director

Andrew Binger (2024)
A2 Mentor
Actor, Director, Educator
Artistic Director of Yendor Theater Company

Markeisha Ross (2023)
A2 Mentor
Author of A Mother’s Struggle in the Public School System
Parent Advocate for Special Education and Family Support Services

Victoria Marie 'Vicki' Fernandez (2023)
A2 Mentor
Grunin Foundation
Director of Thriving Communities
Non-Profit Professional of Color Collective, Co-Founder

Rosie Grant (2023 & 2024)
A2 Facilitator
Executive Director of the Paterson Education Fund

Dr Leah Z Owens (2024)
A2 Facilitator
Founder & Owner of Just Writing, LLC
Education Committee Chairperson, Newark NAACP
Former at-Large Member of NPS Board of Education 2016-2019

AnnMarie Miller (2024)
A2 Panelist
Former Director of Advocacy & Public Policy ArtPride New Jersey
Chair of Arts Ed NJ

Wendy Liscow (2023 & 2024)
A2 Panelist
Executive Director of Arts Ed New Jersey
AEN Engagemement Committee Member

Samantha Lott-Velez (2024)
A2 Panelist
Assistant Superintendent of Newark Public Schools

Ennis Carter (2023)
A2 Facilitator
Founder & Director of Social Impact Studios
Thank you to our sponsors !